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Our Faith Formation Program


Also known as CCE, is about Continuing Christian Education that teaches children and adults the Catholic faith based on their grade level and age.  CCE texts and classes cover topics from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, such as prayer and the sacraments focusing on our Catholic Faith aspiring to promote faith growth and morals at home while promoting participation in Church life. 





How we Encourage & Support


*At Church Parent Meetings and



*At Home Catechesis


*At Church Community-Building



*At Church Sacramental Classes for


(Christian Initiation for Children & Christian Initiation for Adults)












​​​​​​Catechism of the Catholic Church - Paragraph # 2223. "Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children."








CCE Office Hours



Monday  4pm - 7pm



Tuesday - Thursday


2 pm - 7pm













​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Would you like to learn more about your Catholic Faith?

Would you like to become Catholic?

Would you like your children to receive faith formation?

Would you like your children to receive the sacraments?


We have classes for children and adults alike based on grade and age level to help you learn more about the beautiful Catholic Faith and the love of God. 





Please see the flyer below for more information and view our webpage for more resources and services from our Parish. 

CCE Flyer Registration 2024-2025.jpg
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Pray for healing in the world

The Congregation of Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
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